We offer a range of services to suit every celebration.
Sample services include:
Conduct of a legal marriage in accordance with the Marriage Act 1961 .
Whether you have 5 or 500 guests, your ceremony will be tailored to your requirements and in accordance of the Marriage Act 1961.
Commitment Ceremony
Where a legal marriage in accordance with the Marriage Act 1961 is not able not able to be conducted. Whether you have 5 or 500 guests, your ceremony will be tailored to your requirements
Naming Days
Naming ceremonies have been conducted since the beginning of human life and is a formal introduction of your baby to your family and friends.
The ceremony can also be used for an adopted child acknowledging their importance to the family and friends.
Renewal of Vows
Couples decide to renew their vows for many reasons.
It may be a significant anniversary, a re-affirmation of their love for each other, whatever the reason, this reaffirmation of love is a Ceremony to be shared with family and friends.
Life Celebrations/ Funeral Services
The passing of of a loved one can be a difficult time for many.
A life celebration it tailored to focus on the many happy memories of a loved one, rather than the more difficult times.
​Contact us​ ​​ for a free quote & to discuss covering your wedding or celebration!